Entries Tagged as 'Environmentalism'
Imagine regaining consciousness after some no-holds-barred, drink-yourself-into-a-coma, fall-asleep-in-your-own-fluids kind of party. It was fun while it lasted, but now your head aches as you surveil the dilapidated remains of last night’s hoopla. Sunday-afternoon doldrums dissolve any remembrance of dopamine-driven delight.
Picture that hollow, morning-after aftertaste. The realization that maybe, just maybe, you took things too far. […]
Tags: Opinion · Consumerism · Environmentalism · Extinction · Society

Kenny Ausubel and his wife and partner Nina Simons founded the Bioneers Conference, which is held annually in San Rafael, CA and is beamed via satellite to locations across the continent – including Traverse City. The conference is a gathering of scientific and social innovators who have demonstrated visionary and practical models for restoring the Earth and its communities. Kenny is an award-winning journalist, filmmaker, author, and environmental entrepreneur. Thirdeye had the opportunity of asking him some questions about Bioneers and the current state of the world.
Tags: Interviews · Environmentalism