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Entries Tagged as 'Protest'

Apathy Made Easy

July 4th, 2007 · Written by · No Comments


Having trouble rationalizing your passive-aggressive tendencies toward the War in Iraq? Fear not my friend! I’ve compiled a handy-dandy list of reasons not to protest the war – even though you utterly hate it – that will bring piece of mind while still allowing you to rant and rave ‘til your big ol’ heart’s content!


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A Bull in a China Shop

A Call for an Immediate Withdrawal from Iraq

March 3rd, 2007 · Written by · No Comments

Last November, many Americans were celebrating the new Democratic majority in the House and Senate. Outrage and concern over the Iraq War had forced Democratic and Republican candidates to address not only the government’s decision to go to war, but also the handling of the war since 2003. More often than not, candidates who advocated a change in course were elected. These results clearly challenged the Bush administration policy of “staying the course.”

But rather than heeding the voice of the people, on Jan. 11 President Bush dismissed overwhelming disapproval of the war, ignored military advisors’ skepticism over a “surge” in forces, and announced an increase of 21,500 troops in Iraq.[…]


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The Return of the Singer/Songwriter

March 3rd, 2007 · Written by · No Comments

As we race into the 21st Century, music — like much else — seems sadly lacking in originality. Everything has roots and nearly every new avenue somewhat retraces the steps of a bygone era. Just in the last fifteen years of music, we’ve witnessed several sonic rebirths that have faded as quickly as they had become sensations. […]


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